by: John Pople

I believe this universe has been intentionally designed: a rational belief consistent with my scientific education and underpinning my reasoned faith. The statistical impossibility of the heavens demands this, and, necessarily therefore, they declare the existence of a highly skilled designer. Most importantly of all, I hold this conclusion not in spite of scientific method and rational deduction, but precisely because of them.

Interested in hearing more? John did a podcast with us, which you can find here.


by: Alex Cervantes

It is so important to make time in our lives to feed our faith. Alex advocates how faith grows when it is exercised, when it is stretched and challenged. Much like how we grow physically and mentally through day-to-day work, our faith grows the same way. Whether it's through reading our Bible and prayer, or how we interact with people we meet each day, our faith can grow by doing the little things.


by: Sarah Joiner

A spiritual spring-clean can often be a painful, unsettling process. Sarah shares some of her journey and reflects on the uninventable Jesus; the best evidence there is for the existence of a loving God who is passionate about rescuing, restoring and renewing our world and each one of us.


by: Rachel Launchbury

So my appeal to you is this: be open to the vulnerability of faith. Trust in Jesus: his sincerity, his competence, and his involvement in your life. Find some way to put your faith into action, even in a small way.  Being vulnerable means listening and looking for guidance from Jesus in the larger events in life, and in the everyday.


by: Helen Roberts

Home is the place where you feel that you belong. Belonging is such a fundamental part of our faith seeking experience. If we, in love, prayer, and humility can serve and care for our church, we are then in a position to help lead, encourage and help others to find true belonging.

Get out of the boat

by Dustin Elsea

If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat. Keep watching to see how this personal journey of faith and trusting in Jesus was transformed when RVA Light in Richmond, VA opened. 

RVA Light seeks to shine the love and hope of Jesus by fostering friendships over coffee, connecting those in need with local resources, and hosting programs and events that will encourage spiritual and personal growth.

Faith and Fear

by Chris Sales

What is the difference between believing something and having faith? What does it mean to have faith in a God who will help you overcome mistakes, persevere through life’s experiences and give confidence to move forward without fear? Join us.

Chris dug deeper into this topic with us on his podcast episode. You can find that here.

Are You Listening?

by Marcia Smoke

God isn’t finished with you yet. He is speaking to us; yet are we listening to Him? Through listening to God, He will guide us. He speaks to us through the Bible, through other people and through life’s challenges. Keep listening.

Be Peppy

by Dyron Hamlin

Doubt is important. It’s that tension between doubt and faith which is an essential and necessary struggle in any faith journey. When doubt, fear and anxiety creep in, we need a strategy to try and maintain our faith. Come explore with us.

Grace-colored Glasses

by Maggie Schlageter

Faith is something you do that that reflects what you believe to be true. Faith changes how we run with endurance the race God has set before us. Faith is the catalyst to help us move through joy, pain and grief. Keep moving, keep watching.